Tuesday, 4 September 2012

Day 26- 27th July, Poděbrady

Due to the Farewell Party the evening before, I hadn’t expected that many people to be in class that morning. My suspicions were confirmed at breakfast when only 12 people were sitting down when I entered the room. However, when we got to class we discovered that several people were already there and as the lesson went on, more and more people turned up. However, there were still some notable absences! We finished our lessons at ten, and at half ten wandered over to the reception room on the other side of the castle where we had our graduation ceremony. We all received a certificate and a DVD with all the photos and everyone’s contact details on. The DVDs also included recordings of the multicultural evening and the farewell party, so we could impose them on our friends and family. Which I fully intend on doing. So sorry to the four people who read this *evil grin*. For lunch, we headed to Trattoria, where we began ordering fairly expensive food in order to use up the lunch vouchers we still had left over. Sheffield!Nic headed to the railway station shortly afterwards, as she was spending a couple of days in Brno with a friend before heading back to the UK. So S, Misha, Jones, Mike and I headed to the Chinese for dinner later that evening, where we met up with a couple of people from B2. They came from Volvograd, and freaked Jones and I out with tales of hot it got in Russia in summer. When I told the girl, Tanya, where I was going on my year abroad, she laughed.
After dinner, we headed to the dorm’s TV room, to watch the opening ceremony of the Olympics. As the commentary was in Czech, and therefore hard to understand, we made up our own. Which as in the ceremony went on, became different ways of saying “What the hell?!?” I think Alice, a French friend in B2, summed it up when she said she wasn’t surprised, as the “English are weird, as their ceremony would be weird”! The strangest part of the evening for Jones and I though came as we watched the athletes enter the stadium, the others had gone to bed by this point, so it was just Jones and I with another Ukrainian girl from B2 watching. When the Syrian athletes came in, Jones and I made a few comments about how welcome they would be in London, given the state of Syria at the moment. At that, the Ukrainian girl turned round, and asked as what we meant by that, as she had friends in Syria and they were fine, nothing was happening there. Jones and I were shocked, and then explained what was happening there. But the girl refused to believe us, saying that walking down the streets in Homs, the Syrian town the rebels and the government were fighting over at the time, was just as safe as walking around in London. I don’t know when she last went to London, but last time I was there, I didn’t risk getting snipered as I walked down a street.  What rendered Jones and I flabbergasted, and completely speechless though, was her next statement.
“There’s nothing happening in Syria. It’s just a plot stirred up by America, who wants to take over the world.”
The Cold War clearly isn’t over, regardless of what anyone says.
I really enjoyed my time in the Czech Republic and I know my Czech has improved immensely. It was great practise for my year abroad and I made lots of new friends. I really hope I get the chance to come back next year.

Day 25- 26th July, Poděbrady

Thursday was the day of the Farewell Party, so after spending the afternoon sunbathing by the lake, we headed to the castle. First of all, all the classes (except A1, who was missing members who had gone to a concert) sang their songs. A2 sang a song about students in the pub and in class, then we (B1) sang our song about the rain. Afterwards, B2 (Misha and Sheffield!Nic’s class – though Misha refused to sing) sang about bees and flowers. I couldn’t understand what C1’s song was about, but it was very pretty. We then gave our teacher, Zuzanna, flowers to say thank you for teaching us. I think she’s been one of the best teachers I’ve ever had. Not only did she make the lessons fun, but she seemed to instinctively know when people were having problems with an exercise and she’d come over and help. I also like the way she only used English as a last resort, instead she’d find different ways to say it in Czech. I’ll miss not having her as a teacher. After the songs, we watched some members of the summer school put on a production of Alice in Wonderland. Then it was time to eat. The Summer School had put on a buffet, complete with free drinks, which of course included free alcohol! Within the alcohol was sect, which is the Czech version of Champagne and is delicious! Perhaps even better than Champagne itself…There was also a band playing both modern and traditional Czech songs, meaning we got to show off your polka dancing skills. It also played songs we knew, such as YMCA, but in Czech! After the party finished, we headed to a club not 200 yards from the Castle that played 70s and 80s songs. It was strange not having to pay for entry and still getting cheap drinks. I wish there were more clubs like that in the UK!

Day 24- 25th July, Poděbrady

Today saw us start learning our song for the farewell party, which was called “šššš” (shshsh). Zuzanna told us that every class had to sing a song at the farewell party, so after listening to about ten, we voted and got it down to two. Lun wanted to sing a song that the same tune as “Downtown” and when “šššš” won, he glared at S for at least ten minutes, and then turned round periodically to glare at her throughout the rest of the lesson, since she hadn’t voted for “Downtown”. It was pretty funny; especially as it obvious he wasn’t being serious. After lunch at Trattoria, S, Sheffield!Nic and I headed to the park, to spend the afternoon sunbathing. It was a fairly relaxed afternoon which was really nice.

Day 23 - 24th July, Poděbrady

On Tuesday afternoon, Jones and I went on a trip to the Skoda car factory and museum. Whilst the museum was quite boring, just a bunch of cars with explications given in Czech, the factory was amazing. It was fascination to see the cars being put together, and because I’m a history freak, it was also interesting to see Adam Smith’s theory of the production line and Henry Ford’s theory of the moving production line being put into action. That evening, Misha, Mike, Jones and I went to the Chinese for dinner (Sheffield!Nic and S had gone to Prague). Whilst we were eating, Mike had a nosebleed, probably due to the heat. When the patroness saw what was happening, she immediately went and got a bag of ice and told him to put it on his head. It looked hilarious!

Day 22 - 23rd July, Poděbrady

Monday afternoon saw us join a tour around the castle where we study to hear about its history and legends. I was also hoping to see some the rooms we don’t usually see, since the area the summer school covered was relatively small. However, the tour was completely given in Czech, making it difficult to follow and there was no sign of the leaflet in English we had promised. We also only saw the rooms we had seen as part of the summer school. After daydreaming for about an hour, since we understood little, S and I decided to make our escape. We also escaped early from the film being shown that night, Sheffield!Nic having seen it before, and S and I not enjoying it. Instead, we headed to the lake which was nearly empty and pretty at this time of day. Following the film, we met up with Misha and Mike and headed to Café Oliver in the park. Misha had an amazingly fluffy looking strawberry milkshake there, which led to a hilarious discussion about masculinity and wearing socks with shorts, which we all agreed, apart from Mike who was wearing them, were a disgrace. I mean, they look awful, and are they really necessary? If you are already wearing shorts, surely it’s hot enough to not wear socks too?

Day 21- 22nd July, Poděbrady

Sunday morning saw S and Jones pretty hung over, so we didn’t do anything til after midday, when we decided to walk to Nymburk, the regional town and about 8km away from Poděbrady. It was a perfect day for walking, sunny and warm, but not too hot to make you feel drowsy. On the way we sang songs from the various Scout/Guide camps people had been on before playing a number game Mike’s French teacher had used to punish their class when they mucked around. It involved counting up to 20, with everyone saying a different number, but there was no set order, so you just called out a number and hoped nobody else did at the same time. If someone did call the number at the same time, you had to start again from the beginning. Needless to state we played it with Czech numbers. It was fun, but I could see how with a big group and break-time coming it could turn sour very quickly. When we got to Nymburk, we had late lunch/afternoon tea before heading to the station to grab the train home. It took us a while to find the station thanks to the confusing signposts, but it did mean we got to see the town, including a beautiful old grammar school building.