Sunday, 15 July 2012

Day 9, 10th July, Poděbrady

Today at break-time, there was a textbook fair held in the teacher’s room. Based on Zusanna’s recommendations, I bought a Czech Grammar book, which literally just has all the grammar of the Czech language. I have similar type of French book, called 1001 points of French Grammar, which proved invaluable this year, so I’m hoping the Czech grammar book will be just as good during fourth year.

In the afternoon, we had a lecture about UNESCO monuments in the Czech Republic. There are twelve in total, ranging from the historic centre of Prague to the Lednice-Valtice Cultural landscape. The lecture was very interesting but unfortunately I didn’t understand most of it since the whole lecture was delieverd in Czech – I’m glad there were powerpoint slides!

Later that evening S and I decided to try Taebo, one of the exercise classes offered at the gym below the kolej. It was great fun, but exhausting! The class was roughly divided into two parts. For the first half, we did boxing and kicking style aerobics and in the second half we did stomach toning exercises, like sit-ups. I did some research on the internet before we went, so I knew what I was letting myself in for, and I found out that you could burn up to 600 calories in one class. Given the fact that I felt hungry ten minutes in, despite having a snack beforehand – I believe it!

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